Theophilos Bible Software LLC is a privately held Bible software company. We are not affiliated with any religious organization or group and we are totally independent from and do not promote any particular doctrinal views or teachings of any particular Christian denomination. We try to promote the Bible as the Word of God and develop tools that can encourage its study with the help of today's technology.
Our Bible study software has been serving our users since 1997 when the first version of Theophilos™ was developed by Ivan Jurik of Bratislava, Slovakia. Ivan distributed Theophilos as freeware and brought dozens of Bibles and references materials into the Theophilos format. He licensed the Theophilos software to several Christian publishers around the world and it became the engine for their Bibles and reference materials.
In 2007 the Theophilos family of products were acquired by Laridian, Inc. Laridian shared Ivan's goal of bringing more Bibles and reference materials into Theophilos. The new owners had the advantage of close relationships with Christian publishers, thus giving them access to contemporary Christian reference materials. At the same time, they had the resources to invest in the development of classic reference materials from the public domain.
In 2016, Laridian discontinued further development and support of Theophilos. Theophilos users are encouraged to seek out Laridian's products for their Bible study needs. Information can be found at
No technical support is available for Theophilos. For other questions, contact Laridian at